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Money Management Magic: How to Make Your Debt-Stress Disappear!

What is magic?  

The dictionary defines it as “the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using supernatural forces.”

Note the word “apparently”.  In reality, of course, all magic is a trick. 

“Money management magic” is a trick too.  And given the challenges life throws at us, it is a trick that can be exceedingly difficult to pull off.

November is Financial Literacy Month and Credit Canada is going to teach you some of these tricks, through virtual events, and webinars and by highlighting some amazing resources out there for Canadians.

Say “Abracadabra”, then scroll down and tune in to these free events!

All FLM 2021 Events



Thurs, Nov. 1st at 1pm

Financial Literacy Month - Virtual Launch Event:  Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

Credit Canada CEO Bruce Sellery will speak on the theme of Managing Expenses.



Thurs, Nov. 4th at 12pm

Financial Literacy Isn’t Nearly Enough:  The Power of Digital in Driving Behaviour Change:  Canadian Club of Toronto

Credit Canada’s CEO Bruce Sellery will moderate this discussion with Liz Mulholland (Prosper Canada), Idan Shlesinger (LifeWorks) and Supriya Syal (FCAC).

Watch Now



Tues, Nov. 16th at 8pm

Money Magic:  The Four “Tricks” You Need to Know to Make Your Debt-Stress Disappear

Join us for this fun, inspiring and action-oriented event featuring CBC and Cityline Money Columnist and Credit Canada CEO Bruce Sellery.

Watch Now



Thurs, Nov. 25th

De-stress Your Debt:  The Top Techniques Financial Therapists Use to Help Cultivate Calm

Join us for a non-judgmental, empathetic, and inspiring event, where Dr. Moira Somers (Financial Psychologist, Professor and Family Wealth Consultant), Paula Allen (Global Leader, Research and Total Wellbeing and Senior Vice- President at LifeWorks) and Bruce Sellery (CBC and Cityline Money Columnist and CEO of Credit Canada) will give you validation, practical ideas, and hope.

Watch Now

Financial Literacy Webinars

November 3rd

Budget like a Pro: Proven Tips to Help you Make Better Financial Choices

Learn ways to establish and control your household budget so you can get (or stay) out of debt.

Watch Now
November 10th

Managing Money in Tough Times: How to Deal with Life's Unexpected Events

Discover what you can do to cope with tough times and offer advice on what not to do.

Watch Now
November 24th

Bouncing Back: How to Get a Handle on your Finances Post Pandemic

Learn how to set financial goals, manage your finances better in the long run, rebuild your credit, and more!

Watch Now

More Financial Literacy Month Events


Magicians Making Money Magic

All month long, you’ll see real magicians “Make Your Debt-Stress Disappear.”  Check them out across our Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok!


Sirius XM Radio Show and Podcast

Credit Canada is a sponsor of Moolala:  Money Made Simple, which airs every Saturday and Sunday, first as a radio show, then as a podcast.  We’ll feature interviews with leading experts on how to make that credit card bill disappear in a puff of smoke.  (Metaphorically, of course). Click here for the podcasts.


Financial “Tricks” for you to try at home

We will post simple, easy to understand “bite-size” financial tricks throughout the month on our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages.


Finance at your Fingertips

Our incredible and experienced counsellors will be sharing their best tips and insightful thoughts on a variety of different topics so make sure to look out for our Financial articles on our website.


Social Media Contest

Gear up for a Facebook social media contest and get ready to win! You’ll have plenty of time to try your luck at winning this contest and you can give your friends a chance to win too! Head over to our Facebook page from November 22nd to November 26th, 2021. Click here for the contest rules.


Money Magic on TV and Radio

Credit Canada experts will be on TV and Radio throughout the month. 

FLM Challenge 2021

Having debt-stress is terrible! We want everyone to show us what they do to get rid of their debt-stress. It could be anything like spending time with your family or going hiking! So join us on our social media handles as we embark on this fun campaign!



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Head over to our social media pages to join the fun!

Make Your Debt Stress... Disappear!

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