If you’re a Torontonian you’re almost at the end of what has been the most horrific winter of all time. Barbaric low temperatures, relentless snow, zero sun, that ice storm and having to listen to our Winnipegger friends and colleagues tell us that we have no idea what cold is. Credit Canada has some information to help those with debt problems and big bills as a result of this unusually cold winter.
My apartment is heated by gas and I’ve discovered that the only thing more terrifying than realizing that your hydro is out when it’s minus 20 is getting your January gas bill! When I moved into my apartment the customer service rep at Enbridge who set up my account asked me if I would like to enroll for equal billing. I said no. BIG MISTAKE. Equal billing is great for those looking to avoid sudden unexpected expenses.
If you’re struggling with your utility bills and want to get or remain free from debt then there are two things you need to know about. The first is the Emergency Energy Fund (EEF) and the second is the Winter Warmth Program.
The Emergency Energy Fund (EEF). This fund is intended for low income households struggling with gas and hydro bills. This link is for residents of Ontario but check your local Government agency for their program if you don’t reside in Ontario.
Click here for more on the EEF
The Winter Warmth Program. If your energy bills are in arrears or if you’ve received a disconnection notice, you can apply for a one time grant through this program. If you do not see your town listed here then call your energy provider or local community agency for more information.
To avoid bill shock, you can also contact your utility companies to ask about online services they offer to view your account throughout the billing period.
Gas prices are about to become a much bigger problem for some of us. Enbridge states that because it was so cold for such a long period it was forced to buy more natural gas at a higher rate. As a result, Enbridge has applied for a 40% price hike. If approved by the Ontario Energy Board the new prices would take effect April 1st. If you're dealing with debt problems that hike may have a significant impact on your budget.
If you’re an Enbridge shareholder then, awesome! If you’re an Enbridge customer then, absurd! If it’s approved, I might bust out my once frivolous electric heater in private protest because there ain’t much else I can do other than use as little gas as humanly possible. They will feel the pain of my sudden drop in gas usage! I’ve already lowered the temperature a few degrees since the January bill shock but if anyone has any tips on how to save gas I would really love to hear them.
If you’ve found yourself in a situation where you’re having to choose between paying your utility bills or going into debt, the first thing to do is find out if you qualify for utility bill assistance. The second thing to do is call Credit Canada Debt Solutions at 1-800-267-2272 and book an appointment or click here to complete an Online Debt Assessment.
Submitted by Bruce Nelson (not verified) on Wed, Mar 26, 2014
you can also use the weather program but make sure they send some one that know's what they are doing it's from enbridge I have got it done but it should of helped our house but it did not help us I hope they are going to come back soon and do it right its to stop drafts insulate and help seal up your house to make it more liveable and help with the gas bill it's a good program if it done right cheers and good luck
Frequently Asked Questions
Have Question? We are here to help
What is a Debt Consolidation Program?
A Debt Consolidation Program (DCP) is an arrangement made between your creditors and a non-profit credit counselling agency. Working with a reputable, non-profit credit counselling agency means a certified Credit Counsellor will negotiate with your creditors on your behalf to drop the interest on your unsecured debts, while also rounding up all your unsecured debts into a single, lower monthly payment. In Canada’s provinces, such as Ontario, these debt payment programs lead to faster debt relief!
Can I enter a Debt Consolidation Program with bad credit?
Yes, you can sign up for a DCP even if you have bad credit. Your credit score will not impact your ability to get debt help through a DCP. Bad credit can, however, impact your ability to get a debt consolidation loan.
Do I have to give up my credit cards in a Debt Consolidation Program?
Will Debt Consolidation hurt my credit score?
Most people entering a DCP already have a low credit score. While a DCP could lower your credit score at first, in the long run, if you keep up with the program and make your monthly payments on time as agreed, your credit score will eventually improve.
Can you get out of a Debt Consolidation Program?
Anyone who signs up for a DCP must sign an agreement; however, it's completely voluntary and any time a client wants to leave the Program they can. Once a client has left the Program, they will have to deal with their creditors and collectors directly, and if their Counsellor negotiated interest relief and lower monthly payments, in most cases, these would no longer be an option for the client.
The equal billing or Budget Billing Plan may be good if the consumption estimates are correct. When my wife and I signed up for a gas bill (first time May 2012) we took the BBP. Bad news. We cancelled it in February, at which time the gas company owed us almost $300. August was the next time we had to send the gas company any money. Had we left the existing plan in place until Sept, which was when the supplier intended to review the plan to make any corrections, the company would have owed us over $2000. Great for shareholders if invested well, but the company does not pay interest on credit balances.